
This data is based on Divine 5 Ranked Trends report for patch 7.11. It includes every 7.11 ranked match that was played on Divine 5 rank in patch 7.10 (except ones that had abandons, ended in 5 minutes or had insignificantly low score).

It doesn’t include Battle Cup matches, but let me know if you’re interested in Battle Cup meta trends. Maybe I’ll be able to grab those matches as well.

Positions data may be inaccurate in some way (mostly so that very bad core games are counted as support while supports who had high stats and didn’t spent much on support items may be considered core), but it’s most likely to be insignificant.

I’d recommend to check full report by yourself since there are also hero summary and hero averages data that may be interesting for you.

7.11 Meta Graph

Short FAQ


There is something weird regarding games-per-day chart. It seems like there was a huge drop at 16th of March and 17th is missing. Altho, it may be related to missing replays of those games.

Game Modes



Most Contested Heroes

Most Picked Heroes

Most Banned Heroes

Pick Stages

Stage 1 of Picks (first two picks)

Stage 3 of Picks (last pick)

Favorite Pairs

Hero positions

Core Safelane

Core Midlane

Core Offlane


Core Jungle

Notable positions

Notable Meta shifts

Full report is available here. You can look through data by yourself if you want, maybe you’ll find something interesting as well. There are more detailed data about Hero VS Hero performance, Draft stages priorities, pairs and trios, positions stats and dire/radiant winrates.

Previous report for patch 7.10:

And thanks to OpenDota and STRATZ for providing awesome APIs to grab all juicy match analysis data and generate stats for all the matches.