
Hello, divine-5-ranked-stats-guy here. I’m not really sure does somebody care about these posts or not right now, but I want to explain some things about it and why there probably won’t be a thread about current patch.

Right before EPICENTER XL started I found out the exact reason why I couldn’t fetch all the possible matches. I knew that I could fetch oly public matches from OpenDota, but wasn’t sure why. Now, since the major ended, I need to write a lot of related materials, as well as do some job in university, so I accidentially skipped most of matches that I could request to parse and fetch from OpenDota.

Right now I’m trying to get all the content from EPICENTER XL together and I’m working on a new kind of parser. Right now I can fetch only small amount of matches from OpenDota that are listed in “public matches” table, it was the easiest way to get match list directly. There weren’t all the matches, but stats were pretty close to real picture.

Altho, the only thing I need is the list of matches. I’m not completely sure about how the new fetcher will work, but I think I’ll be using STRATZ API to get player IDs from leaderboards (not all 5000 in every region, probably only top 4500) and look for their matches. That way I’ll be able to fetch more ranked matches and get real stats. I guess it will be way more interesting and will be a bit closer to reality.

So that’s why there won’t be a 7.14 post. Maybe there won’t be even 7.15 post, but I’ll do my best to get back as soon as I can.

For now you can explore previous reports or the most recent EPICENTER XL report: