
Hey, Spectral stats guy is here again. I was busy with other things after TI2018, so I missed 7.19b post, but as you could notice the report was still available. There were also some replay availability issues back then.

This post is based on data collected during patch 7.19c. It includes most of ranked matches that were played on Immortal rank in patch 7.19 (except ones that had abandons, ended in less than 10 minutes or had insignificantly low score).

Positions data may be inaccurate in some way (mostly so that very bad core games are counted as support while supports who had high stats and didn’t spent much on support items may be considered core), but it’s most likely to be insignificant.

Full report is available here. You can look through data by yourself if you want, maybe you’ll find something interesting as well. There are more detailed data about Hero VS Hero performance, Draft stages priorities, pairs and trios, positions stats and dire/radiant winrates, Meta Graph and region spacific data.

Ranked meta trends hub

Fun fact: It was available ever since the patch started and it was possible to get predictions right for the TI8 compendium. Shame I haven’t thought about it myself.

Short FAQ


Game Modes



This section of the post only includes global records. You can check region specific records by yourself on the website.

Record Match Value Player Hero
GPM 4138761328 1,332 Sirc Cancer Try me Alchemist
XPM 4140440154 1,402 FUCKING APE Meepo
Kills 4162511202 58 Avaricous Weaver
Deaths 4130216132 36 Mr Nature’s Prophet
Assists 4135938255 71 люди ночного мира Zeus
KDA with 0 deaths 4126194770 50 x3s Ember Spirit
KDA with 1+ deaths 4142475557 67 待雨停 Ember Spirit
Gold Earned 4162511202 139,736 nnnn_nova Zeus
Last hits 4162511202 1,849 nnnn_nova Zeus
Damage to heroes 4162511202 204,150 nnnn_nova Zeus
Damage to buildings 4142928149 24,946 Lycan
Hero healing 4156834383 62,654 jojo Treant Protector
Damage taken from heroes 4137442457 179,069 стреляй,мэнi Пи}{уй Meepo
Efficiency on lane 4137466674 208% #1 TUSK in NA 💙 Pugna
Observer wards placed 4162511202 55 Slander Grimstroke
Sentries placed 4162511202 339 cheve Bane
Obs Wards destroyed 4124800498 19 Palawan Pawnshop Pera Padala Vengeful Spirit
Map pings 4142894656 65,535 broken Ursa
Crowd Control 4161655223 650.99 tsl Invoker
Couriers killed by a player 4127631523 7.00 Hey Ho (A1taoda) Bounty Hunter


Hero Graph

Sorted by Rank

Hero Matches Contest Rate Rank Picked Winrate Banned Winrate
Grimstroke 19931 44.55% 100.00 15990 50.35% 3941 50.04%
Earthshaker 18851 42.14% 99.14 15764 51.98% 3087 51.28%
Weaver 19557 43.71% 98.28 15857 49.52% 3700 49.11%
Treant Protector 15043 33.62% 97.41 12158 54.24% 2885 54.28%
Silencer 15596 34.86% 96.55 12881 52.08% 2715 50.42%
Tiny 17656 39.47% 95.69 14681 45.61% 2975 44.20%
Ursa 15006 33.54% 94.83 12272 52.47% 2734 51.43%
Necrophos 14177 31.69% 93.97 11759 53.06% 2418 50.91%
Terrorblade 11876 26.55% 93.10 9621 55.69% 2255 56.81%
Storm Spirit 12556 28.07% 92.24 10066 48.84% 2490 46.99%

Pick Stages

Stage 1 of Picks (first two picks) / Stage 3 of Picks (last pick)

Hero Picks Winrate - Hero Picks Winrate
Grimstroke 9664 50.65% - Weaver 9960 49.62%
Earthshaker 7013 51.49% - Storm Spirit 9040 48.71%
Treant Protector 6284 54.49% - Ursa 8789 52.38%
Silencer 4021 52.40% - Tiny 8025 46.44%
Phoenix 3158 51.08% - Phantom Lancer 8010 50.00%

PL is perfectly balanced Kappa

Hero Combos (sorted by deviation)

Heroes Matches Winrate Expectation Deviation Percentage Same Lane Rate    
Gyrocopter wisp Io 966 57.66% 54.987 911.013 94.31% 90.27%
Wraith King + Grimstroke 1872 52.40% 1,238.619 633.381 33.83% 71.79%    
Drow Ranger + Weaver 1319 53.98% 924.383 394.617 29.92% 1.29%    
Drow Ranger + Storm Spirit 978 50.31% 586.797 391.203 40.00% 0.20%    
Drow Ranger + Vengeful Spirit 609 53.04% 243.790 365.210 59.97% 56.98%    
Drow Ranger + Mirana 739 51.83% 431.616 307.384 41.59% 1.35%    

Lane Combos

Heroes Matches Winrate Most Common Lane
Wraith King + Grimstroke 1344 52.08% Offlane
Weaver + Grimstroke 1317 45.94% Offlane
Weaver + Treant Protector 1217 52.42% Offlane
Tiny + Grimstroke 1201 46.21% Offlane
Earthshaker + Weaver 1123 52.89% Offlane
Silencer + Terrorblade 1095 58.26% Safelane

Hero positions

Core Safelane

Core Midlane

Core Offlane


Core Jungle

Regions Meta

Not popular regions were sorted out. Pickban stats were gotten only for the most popular regions.

Europe West

Hero Matches Contest Rate Rank Picked Winrate Banned Winrate
Grimstroke 9650 57.36% 100.00 7307 51.32% 2343 51.73%
Weaver 8183 48.64% 99.14 6328 48.93% 1855 49.54%
Silencer 6341 37.69% 98.28 5083 52.43% 1258 51.35%
Earthshaker 6216 36.95% 97.41 4969 51.86% 1247 52.85%
Tiny 6950 41.31% 96.55 5476 45.62% 1474 43.76%
Treant Protector 5484 32.59% 95.69 4300 55.21% 1184 55.32%
Phoenix 5611 33.35% 94.83 4300 50.95% 1311 52.17%

US East

Hero Matches Contest Rate Rank Picked Winrate Banned Winrate
Earthshaker 2360 40.76% 100.00 1933 51.37% 427 49.18%
Treant Protector 2108 36.41% 99.14 1657 56.37% 451 57.21%
Weaver 2438 42.11% 98.28 1968 48.83% 470 47.87%
Silencer 2213 38.22% 97.41 1772 53.61% 441 52.61%
Terrorblade 2029 35.04% 96.55 1588 58.06% 441 58.05%
Ursa 2138 36.93% 95.69 1713 52.83% 425 50.35%
Grimstroke 2125 36.70% 94.83 1652 48.12% 473 48.41%

Southeast Asia

Hero Matches Contest Rate Rank Picked Winrate Banned Winrate
Earthshaker 6809 59.13% 100.00 5571 52.07% 1238 50.97%
Weaver 5791 50.29% 99.14 4631 49.43% 1160 49.05%
Treant Protector 5350 46.46% 98.28 4247 53.12% 1103 52.22%
Ursa 4466 38.78% 97.41 3574 53.55% 892 54.93%
Tiny 5305 46.07% 96.55 4358 45.48% 947 43.93%
Silencer 4511 39.17% 95.69 3682 50.79% 829 47.29%
Necrophos 4016 34.88% 94.83 3239 54.68% 777 52.64%


Hero Matches Contest Rate Rank Picked Winrate Banned Winrate
Earthshaker 2555 31.00% 100.00 2555 52.41% 0 0.00%
Necrophos 2533 30.73% 99.14 2533 52.31% 0 0.00%
Grimstroke 2616 31.74% 98.28 2614 50.65% 2 0.00%
Terrorblade 2075 25.18% 97.41 2075 55.33% 0 0.00%
Tiny 2480 30.09% 96.55 2480 46.05% 0 0.00%
Weaver 2160 26.21% 95.69 2160 51.81% 0 0.00%
Ursa 2089 25.35% 94.83 2089 51.65% 0 0.00%
Zeus 1909 23.16% 93.97 1909 52.17% 0 0.00%
Monkey King 2023 24.55% 93.10 2023 47.95% 0 0.00%
Silencer 1632 19.80% 92.24 1632 52.39% 0 0.00%

Notable Matches

And yet again, full report is available here

You can also check out Nerds Hero Builds project. I’m trying to make fully detailed guides (not only for default positions, but also something unusual) for every hero with meta builds based on Immortal Rank matches and hero spammers commentaries and containing everything that may be useful. Nerds Hero Builds site

Immortal Rank Meta Trends - 7.19 Edition Post

Immortal Rank Meta Trends - 7.19b Report

Spectral Alliance twitter - for english speakers

Thanks to OpenDota and STRATZ for providing awesome APIs to grab all juicy match analysis data and generate stats for all the matches.