
Spectral guy here. Yet another first-week-report. There is also NADCL Season 3 post in works. Not sure about major qualifiers, let me know if you’re interested.

This post is based on data collected during the first week of patch 7.21d. This report includes not only ranked data, but stats of all matches with average rank equal to Immortal. Excluded matches are the ones that had abandons, ended in less than 10 minutes or had insignificantly low score (or it was impossible to get detailed draft data for them).

Positions data may be inaccurate in some way (mostly so that very bad core games are counted as support while supports who had high stats and didn’t spent much on support items may be considered core), but it’s most likely to be insignificant.

There’s something off about draft stages at the moment, just ignore it for now.

Full report is available here. You can look through data by yourself if you want, maybe you’ll find something interesting as well. There are more detailed data about Hero VS Hero performance, Draft stages priorities, pairs and trios, positions stats and dire/radiant winrates, Meta Graph and region specific data. The report will be updated semi-weekly (sort of).

Ranked meta trends hub

Short FAQ


Game Modes



This section of the post only includes global records. You can check region specific records by yourself on the website.

Some of those are affected by turbo matches as well, but I found it out too late, so I just marked them. Sorry for that.

Record Match Value Player Hero
GPM 4573828338 1,351 Alchemist
XPM 4580849005 1,213 mid smurf muted Monkey King
Kills 4571753126 43 NO REST FOR THE WICKED Phantom Assassin
Deaths 4573135266 33 Biblibio Lich
Assists 4584068072 54 CR Disruptor
KDA with 0 deaths 4578368569 47 Bryle Ember Spirit
KDA with 1+ deaths 4582251770 49 SERIPERI Batrider
Gold Earned 4578129638 75,838 NOMLOG SANKE Bounty Hunter
Last hits 4574704005 1,184 MODE: PLOV Anti-Mage
Damage to heroes 4592167433 145,025 KEXIT Necrophos
Damage to buildings 4585283067 29,157 lakhkandola Anti-Mage
Hero healing 4592776136 56,862 JAYDP111 Io
Damage taken from heroes 4592167433 186,985 ESKALATION Meepo
Efficiency on lane 4577810385 225% Y.Y Alchemist
Observer wards placed 4585730442 34 ASMNASMN Oracle
Sentries placed 4575103734 87 positive player (techies spammer) Dark Willow
Obs Wards destroyed 4584520256 16 Zero Witch Doctor
Map pings 4585518468 1,486 Epileptic kid (aka depressed+tilted) Morphling
Stuns 4577235046 490.15 Changes Invoker
Couriers killed by a player 4595438787 5 7seeds.SadbOy Bounty Hunter

Just a side note. I looked through 7.21c final report and noticed that there’s a competitor to Epileptic kid in terms of map pings. And the rival comes from SEA.


Sorted by Rank

Hero Matches Contest Rate Rank Picked Winrate Banned Winrate
Lycan 1239 6.70% 100.00 1185 60.42% 54 46.30%
Mars 6517 35.27% 99.15 6517 54.23% 0 0.00%
Io 1098 5.94% 98.29 1098 58.56% 0 0.00%
Nyx Assassin 2582 13.97% 97.44 2418 56.70% 164 44.51%
Bounty Hunter 6604 35.74% 96.58 6427 53.26% 177 48.02%
Necrophos 2019 10.93% 95.73 1980 56.01% 39 53.85%
Meepo 885 4.79% 94.87 841 58.03% 44 59.09%
Shadow Shaman 6853 37.08% 94.02 6746 51.70% 107 59.81%
Dark Seer 1276 6.90% 93.16 1123 56.63% 153 45.75%
Winter Wyvern 1700 9.20% 92.31 1672 54.25% 28 64.29%

Hero Combos (sorted by deviation)

Heroes Matches Winrate Expectation Deviation Percentage Same Lane Rate
Phantom Assassin + Magnus 353 48.44% 73.973 279.027 79.04% 35.98%
Dark Willow + Mars 593 50.59% 326.026 266.974 45.02% 53.46%
Doom grimstroke + 323 44.27% 140.167 182.833 56.60% 43.96%
Shadow Shaman + Ursa 965 53.06% 792.144 172.856 17.91% 54.82%
Juggernaut + Lich 363 47.38% 214.534 148.466 40.90% 79.89%
Juggernaut + Magnus 245 50.20% 167.561 77.439 31.61% 24.08%

Hero positions

Core Safelane

Everything is pretty much like said in 7.21b post, but there are more viable carries in terms of match numbers. But Lifestealer and Juggernaut are still dominating. Numbers are almost identical to 7.21c.

Core Midlane

Core Offlane


And yet again, full report is available here

Immortal Rank Meta Trends - 7.21c Report

Nerds Hero Builds

Thanks to OpenDota and STRATZ for providing awesome APIs to grab all juicy match analysis data and generate stats for all the matches.