A little bit late, but still here: montly stats for FaceIT Pro League matches.
This data is based on FPL stats report for February 2018. It includes every match that was played in FaceIT Pro League (excluding those that couldn’t been found).
Positions data may be inaccurate in some way (mostly so that very bad core games are counted as support while supports who had high stats and didn’t spent much on support items may be considered core), but it’s most likely to be insignificant.
Thanks to FaceIT guys, it’s now possible to fetch match IDs from Dota 2 API, so I didn’t need to manually find every single match like I did before. Altho, matches from the first two weeks didn’t have the right league ID and some matches (around 10-15) weren’t available in FaceIT web interface, so I couldn’t find them.
Edit: Holy shtuff, front page and 90 upvotes in less than two hours! Thank you guys!
Heroes Meta Graph picture and Interactive Meta Graph. Interactive one is better if you can open it, since you can move things around and there’s a description for those, who just saw it for the first time.
- Matches total: 271 (yes, for the whole month)
- Unique players in matches: 136
- Radiant winrate: 45.38%
Average match duration: 34:08
- Day with most matches played: 24th of February (30 matches)
- Heroes Contested: 108 (107 picked)
- Uncontested heroes: Lich, Clinkz, Ember Spirit, Arc Warden (+ Pangolier, Dark Willow and Techies, but they weren’t available in CM)
- 7.07d: 1 match
- 7.08: 85 matches
- 7.09: 185 matches
- US East (FPL NA): 114 matches
- EU West (FPL EU): 157 matches
Notable Participants
- Most matches played: Unravel (139)
- Highest winrate:
promocodeBSJ (75%) - Player with widest hero pool: Unravel (39)
- Highest hero diversity: MasterKenchiro (46.62%)
- Record: MatchID - Value - Nickname - Hero
- GPM: 3731193490 - 946.00 - xD. - Gyrocopter
- XPM: 3738025783 - 991.00 - Sergeiqa - Anti-Mage
- Kills: 3754650986 - 26 - Gunnar - Shadow Fiend
- Deaths: 3722356398 - 20 - MaTa - Shadow Shaman
- Assists: 3731193490 - 40 - keem - Tusk
- KDA with 0 deaths: 3752021376 - 37 - Husky - Puck
- KDA with 1+ deaths: 3744755426 - 35 - Sergeiqa - Queen of Pain
- Networth: 3737950428 - 73,389 - nefrit - Medusa
- Last hits: 3737950428 - 1,235 - nefrit - Medusa
- Damage to heroes: 3731193490 - 117,632 - xD. - Gyrocopter
- Damage to buildings: 3737950428 - 20,012 - Ceyler - Lone Druid
- Hero healing: 3722356398 - 23,320 - Massacre - Omniknight
- Damage taken from heroes: 3737950428 - 81,604.00 - Nofear - Clockwerk
- Efficiency on lane: 3751477620 - 144% - ryuuboruz - Broodmother
- Observer wards placed: 3737950428 - 33 - keem - Tusk
- Sentries placed: 3737950428 - 61 - keem - Tusk
- Teamfight participation: 3714904841 - 100% - CHOA - Sand King
- Obs Wards destroyed: 3724032808 - 8 - Avan - Jakiro
- Map pings: 3734614554 - 376 - Nofear - Tusk
- Stuns: 3737950428 - 234.62 - Unravel - Underlord
- Couriers killed by a player: 3720578080 - 2 - CIS Hope coach.KaHT - Bounty Hunter
Best friends
- Unravel + keem: 57 (54.39%)
- Storoh + Massacre: 53 (62.26%)
- Unravel + ImmortalFaith: 52 (53.85%)
- Ceyler + Massacre: 45 (53.33%)
- Storoh + Unravel: 43 (60.47%)
There’s also kind of pairs graph, but it doesn’t work properly and is going to be reworked anyway (it’s not supposed to be available, whoops).
Most Contested Heroes
- Tiny: 266 matches - 74 picked (51.35% wr) - 192 banned (53.13% wr)
- Omniknight: 236 matches - 55 picked (54.55% wr) - 181 banned (45.86% wr)
- Sand King: 205 matches - 127 picked (55.12% wr) - 78 banned (48.72% wr)
- Razor: 191 matches - 59 picked (52.54% wr) - 132 banned (44.70% wr)
- Tusk: 188 matches - 94 picked (50.00% wr) - 94 banned (47.87% wr)
- Witch Doctor: 175 matches - 122 picked (56.56% wr) - 53 banned (37.74% wr)
- Enchantress: 173 matches - 29 picked (41.38% wr) - 144 banned (53.47% wr)
- Naga Siren: 172 matches - 62 picked (48.39% wr) - 110 (54.55% wr)
- Gyrocopter: 164 matches - 80 picked (46.25% wr) - 84 (57.14% wr)
- Chen: 154 matches - 36 picked (52.78% wr) - 118 (55.93% wr)
There are also first stages of picks/bans and most picked/banned heroes in overview tab of report, but they are pretty much the same as most contested.
Favorite Pairs
Edit: I accidentally pasted here pairs from 7.09 thread, didn’t notice that at first. Sorry.
- Witch Doctor + Tusk: 31 (64.52%)
- Sand King + Witch Doctor: 28 (57.14%)
- Witch Doctor + Gyrocopter: 27 (55.56%)
- Witch Doctor + Queen of Pain: 23 (65.22%)
- Shadow Fiend + Clockwerk: 22 (50.00%)
Just want to point that out: in 7.09 meta trends thread /u/BirdieNZ suggested improvements to hero pairs formula, but I didn’t change it yet.
Hero positions
Most popular
Core Safelane
- Juggernaut: 40 (52.50%)
- Gyrocopter: 40 (45.00%)
- Lifestealer: 31 (50.00%)
- Lycan: 31 (58.06%)
Just 7.07 lycan things - Razor: 29 (48.28%)
Core Midlane
- Shadow Fiend: 61 (47.54%)
- Dragon Knight: 36 (55.56%)
- Outworld Devourer: 36 (36.11%)
LUL - Queen of Pain: 35 (71.43%)
- Death Prophet: 35 (42.86%)
Core Offlane
- Omniknight: 42 (52.38%)
- Tiny: 31 (51.61%)
- Batrider: 29 (31.03%)
- Sand King: 29 (44.83%)
- Puck: 26 (53.85%)
- Witch Doctor: 121 (56.20%)
- Disruptor: 95 (36.84%)
- Tusk: 89 (50.56%)
- Sand King: 84 (58.33%)
- Bane: 77 (61.04%)
Notable matches
- Match with biggest stomp: 3731193490, Sh4doweh Unravel Alekseev xD. keem vs. Storoh Flash Ceyler ImmortalFaith Massacre
- Match with biggest comeback: 3751905654, DurpDurp KvH Sword♥Amy Gunnar FloydPepper vs. B jw Sammyboy Orange Froogoss
- Longest match: 3737950428 (1:24:33), sQreen GoLdenStar nefrit keem Massacre vs. Sergeiqa Nofear Unravel Ceyler ImmortalFaith
- Shortest match: 3714904841 (9:34), Pingvincek SsaSpartan eskil Unravel GGwpLanaya vs. CHOA Учитель по Наказанию Vn9(off) mliof FPKFKPFKPFKP
Full report is available here. You can look through data by yourself if you want, maybe you’ll find something interesting as well. There are more detailed data about Hero VS Hero performance, Draft stages priorities, pairs and trios, positions stats and dire/radiant winrates, players stats, list of all matches and participants.
Divine 5 meta trends for 7.09:
FPL January 2018:
Thanks to OpenDota and STRATZ for providing awesome APIs to grab all these juicy matches and generate stats for them, as well as FaceIT for creating FPL.